
Sunday, August 20, 2023

**Your Weekly LEO TarotScope: August 20 - August 26, 2023**

 **Your Weekly LEO TarotScope: August 20 - August 26, 2023**

Welcome to your weekly LEO TarotScope, where we delve into the cosmic influences shaping your life from August 20 to August 26, 2023. Let's explore what the Tarot cards have in store for your love life, mood, career, and more.

**Love: Navigating Emotions with the Eight of Cups Tarot Card**

In matters of the heart, the Eight of Cups Tarot card takes center stage for you this week, Leo. This card suggests a period of emotional exploration and growth. It's a time when you might find yourself reevaluating your relationships and seeking deeper connections. If there's something in your romantic life that's been holding you back, this is the moment to let it go. The Eight of Cups encourages you to embrace change and walk away from situations that no longer serve your emotional well-being. By doing so, you pave the way for new, fulfilling connections to enter your life.

**Mood: Embracing New Beginnings with The Fool Tarot Card**

Your mood is aligned with The Fool Tarot card this week, Leo. This card embodies the spirit of adventure and embracing the unknown. It signifies a time of stepping into uncharted territory with enthusiasm and optimism. Just as The Fool sets out on a journey with a light heart and a sense of wonder, you too are encouraged to approach life with curiosity and a willingness to take risks. This is a week to embrace spontaneity, trust your instincts, and embark on new experiences that could lead to exciting personal growth.

**Career: Swift Action and Determination with the Knight of Swords Tarot Card**

On the professional front, the Knight of Swords Tarot card influences your career path this week, Leo. This card signifies swift action, determination, and the drive to overcome challenges. Your professional endeavors are likely to be met with a surge of energy and a desire to accomplish your goals with speed and precision. This could be an opportune time to communicate your ideas, make bold decisions, and tackle any obstacles that stand in your way. The Knight of Swords encourages you to be assertive and confident in your pursuits, as your direct approach can lead to favorable outcomes.

**Navigating Life's Landscape**

In addition to these key influences, the cosmic energy surrounding you suggests a variety of areas where your attention can make a difference. Encouraging your colleagues to seek clarification when needed can lead to increased productivity in your workspace. At home, your presence has a positive impact on your children's morale, fostering a harmonious family atmosphere. Financially, your stability allows for the provision of valuable monetary benefits to your employees.

Unexpectedly, there might be an attraction to someone special in your life, sparking a potential romantic connection. Prioritizing physical fitness can yield positive effects on your overall well-being, boosting your energy and vitality. While venturing alone is best avoided, as it could lead to unforeseen challenges, some individuals might benefit from considering a change in their living arrangements for better comfort and convenience.

It's essential to address any lingering personal issues promptly, as avoiding them could lead to long-term consequences. Procrastination and idleness are best kept at bay to maximize productivity. Remember to find ways to boost your morale and motivation, as a positive mindset can significantly impact your endeavors.

**Lucky Number and Colour**

Your lucky number for the week is 5, symbolizing change and adaptability. The color green is your lucky hue, promoting harmony, growth, and renewal in various aspects of your life.

For more insights, guidance, and predictions tailored to your sign, stay tuned to our upcoming TarotScopes.

**Conclusion: Embrace Change and Seize Opportunities**

As this week unfolds, the Tarot cards urge you to embrace change, seek new experiences, and approach challenges with determination. Whether in matters of the heart, career pursuits, or personal growth, the cosmic energy supports your endeavors. Remember, each card drawn is a guidepost, and your choices ultimately shape your journey. Stay open to the unexpected and let the Tarot be your compass in navigating life's intricate landscape.

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Saturday, August 19, 2023

Your Weekly (LEO) TarotScope for August 20 to August 26, 2023

**Unlocking Success: Your Weekly LEO Tarot Insights for August 20 - August 26, 2023**

*Discovering Love: Unveiling the Eight of Cups Tarot Card*

**Navigating Emotions: Exploring The Fool Tarot Card**

**Pathways to Professionalism: A Glimpse into the Knight of Swords Tarot Card**

In the realm of productivity and growth, encouraging open communication within your team can prove to be a remarkable catalyst. On the canvas of your home, your very presence has the power to uplift the spirits of your children, infusing your abode with positivity. Alongside your robust financial health, lies the opportunity to extend monetary perks to your dedicated employees. Amidst the tapestry of life, a sudden and unexpected attraction towards a special individual may take center stage. As you thread the journey of wellness, giving prominence to your physical fitness can significantly bolster your holistic well-being.

**Harmonizing Life's Adventures: Navigating the High Seas of The Fool Tarot Card**

Steer clear of solitary voyages, as they may carry a plethora of challenges and tribulations. In the symphony of living, consider the wisdom of seeking companionship to evade potential pitfalls during your travels. For some, the winds of change may whisper the need for a new haven – a better dwelling to nurture growth. The tapestry of existence often presents us with unresolved threads; be it relationships or concerns, addressing these promptly is akin to weaving a future free of entanglements. Procrastination and idleness are adversaries of productivity – vanquish them to unleash your utmost potential.

**Unveiling Fortunes: The Essence of the Knight of Swords Tarot Card**

Amid the pages of your professional journey, the Knight of Swords presents himself as a beacon of unyielding determination. Channel this swift and strategic energy to carve a path of success within your career arena. As a steward of your financial domain, capitalize on your current prosperity to invest in the welfare of your workforce. But beyond the business realm, the tendrils of attraction may enwrap you, ushering in unexpected romance.

**The Nexus of Luck: Embracing the Blessings of Five**

Your guiding number this week is 5, encapsulating change and evolution. Embrace the transformative energies it brings forth, leading you towards uncharted territory and newfound possibilities. Complementing your journey, the color green whispers harmony, growth, and renewal.

In the mosaic of existence, this week presents itself as a canvas primed for growth, connection, and achievement. Allow the wisdom of the tarot to navigate your course, embracing its insights to illuminate every facet of your journey.

Friday, August 11, 2023

The Moneybags Psychic Financial First Aid Kit By Tony-Guy Parker

The Moneybags Psychic Financial First Aid Kit
By Tony-Guy Parker

Tony-Guy Parker, with over 30 years of experience as a Psychic, Intuitive Energy Healer, EFT Master Practitioner, and more, presents a collection of audio and video recordings from his Law of Attraction & EFT workshops, seminars, and sessions.

Unlocking Inner Wealth: A Spiritual and Psychological Journey with EFT & LOA

Embark on a transformative 30-day journey to manifest profound success, prosperity, and abundance. By harmonizing the ancient wisdom of the Law of Attraction (LOA) with the therapeutic power of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), you can tap into the deepest reservoirs of your psyche and spirit. This union not only aligns your energy with the universe's abundance but also releases emotional blockages, paving the path for spiritual and material wealth. As you delve into this practice, you're not just seeking external riches but also nurturing an inner state of prosperity. This holistic approach ensures that the wealth you attract resonates with your soul's purpose, leading to a fulfilled and abundant life.

Our Objective: Manifest success, prosperity, wealth, and abundance in 30 days using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) & LOA (Law of Attraction).

1.) Crafting Your Spiritual Ledger: The Prosperity Work-Book

Invest in a modest student's spiral notebook with tabbed dividers, christening it as your "Prosperity Work-Book". This isn't just a financial journal; it's a sacred space where you chronicle the ebb and flow of life's energies. Daily, record your material inflows and outflows, symbolizing the universe's give and take. Beyond mere numbers, list your tangible assets and debts, reflecting on them as manifestations of your spiritual journey. More importantly, inscribe your deepest visions and aspirations, grounding your spiritual intentions in the tangible realm. As days unfold, document your strides towards these goals, celebrating each step as a testament to your inner growth and alignment with the universe's abundance.

2.) Embracing the "EFT Vision Tap Mind Movie Tap mbffak" Spiritual Ritual

Immerse yourself in the "EFT Vision Tap Mind Movie Tap mbffak" on YouTube daily for a transformative 30-day cycle. Within the sacred pages of your "Prosperity Work-Book," in the "Goals, Dreams, & Visions" sanctuary, weave intricate tapestries of your aspirations in realms of finance, career, and spiritual abundance. Pen profound scripts that not only chart your journey but also capture the essence of your soul's desires, the steps to their realization, and the deep emotions they evoke. This isn't mere planning; it's a spiritual act of setting intentions, anchoring them in the physical realm, and forging a soulful bond with your path to prosperity. Each inscription becomes a spiritual testament, amplifying your alignment with the universe's abundant energies.

EFT Vision Tap Mind Movie Tap mbffak

The "EFT Vision Tap Mind Movie" technique, as described by Tony-Guy Parker, combines Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and visualization for goal manifestation. Utilizing a $2 spiral notebook, individuals list gratitude, goals, and visions, including specifics like dollar amount, timeframe, actions, and ethical considerations. The technique involves tapping or rubbing specific points while mentally engaging with a success-filled "mind movie." Repeating affirmations during tapping aims to align with the universe and attract abundance. Consistent practice is emphasized, with frequency correlating to quicker results, fostering synchronicities and positive changes in alignment with the Law of Attraction.

Click Here to RSVP your 60 Minute/$60.00 EFT & LoA Success-Builder Motivational Coaching Session

4.) Watch and follow my new 'EFT Money Thermostat mbffak" video to potentially double your income in just 30 days! Commit to watching and following the "EFT Money Thermostat mbffak" video for the next 30 days. This consistent practice can help you align your mindset with increased abundance and financial prosperity. Stay engaged and open to the techniques presented in the video to potentially witness positive shifts in your income and overall financial well-being."

EFT Money Thermostat mbffak

"EFT Money Thermostat mbffak" by Tony-Guy Parker introduces a powerful exercise for shifting your financial set point. Just as we have a weight set point, our abundance level can be conditioned by external factors. The exercise aims to raise this "money thermostat" to enhance prosperity. Begin by using a setup statement, like "Even though I made $500 last week, I choose to make $1,000 this week," while tapping on specific points. This can help rewire your financial mindset. For group practice, adopt a vague form and shift the timeframe to monthly, like "I choose to make twice what I made last month this month." Remember, consistency, repetition, and specificity are keys to transforming your abundance mindset.

5.) Experience transformative change with my latest video, "EFT Money Tap mbffak." By watching and following this video, you have the opportunity to potentially double your income within just 30 days. I invite you to commit to a daily routine of watching and practicing the techniques presented in the "EFT Money Tap mbffak" video for the next 30 days. Embrace this consistent practice to align your mindset with financial abundance and open new doors of prosperity. Your dedication and engagement over this period may lead to positive shifts in your income and overall financial well-being. Dive into this journey of transformation and empowerment!

EFT Money Tap mbffak

EFT Money Tap: A Spiritual Gratitude Practice

In the realm of EFT and the Law of Attraction, gratitude holds a transformative power. Many practitioners emphasize a gratitude tap, where one immerses in feelings of thankfulness. This isn't just about acknowledging life's blessings but also recognizing the sources of our abundance.

Begin by crafting a list of entities that have enriched your life, be it through financial means, love, or support. This could range from employers to loved ones who've offered assistance in challenging times. Over the years, my list has grown, symbolizing the universe's abundant gifts.

In this practice, we'll focus on a few entities, expressing our deep gratitude. As we tap, visualize the entity and connect with the feelings of abundance they bring. With each tap, utter the sacred words, "Thank you," sealing your gratitude and amplifying your connection to the universe's prosperity.

This ritual, practiced daily, not only attracts abundance but also deepens our spiritual connection to the world around us.

Click Here to RSVP your 60 Minute/$60.00 EFT & LoA Success-Builder Motivational Coaching Session

6.) Embark on the "EFT Business Sales Money Booster mbffak" Spiritual Journey

Dive deep into the transformative experience of the "EFT Business Sales Money Booster mbffak" video. This isn't just a technique; it's a 30-day spiritual odyssey designed to align your energies with the universe's abundance. By integrating the profound principles of EFT with the timeless wisdom of attracting prosperity, this video serves as a bridge between your inner aspirations and the material world. As you engage with it daily, you're not merely aiming for increased sales; you're nurturing a deeper connection with the essence of abundance and success. The promise isn't just about financial growth but also about achieving a harmonious balance between your psychological well-being and spiritual prosperity. Commit to this journey, and witness a holistic transformation in your business and soul.

EFT Business Sales Money Booster mbffak

EFT Business Sales Money Booster: A Spiritual Journey to Prosperity

Unlock the power of gratitude with the EFT Business Sales Money Booster. This isn't just a technique; it's a spiritual ritual that taps into the universe's abundance. Every morning, I align with this energy, and the results are profound. Those who embrace this practice witness a remarkable surge in their clientele and income.

If you're in a profession where you engage with clients, customers, or the public, this ritual is your gateway to untapped prosperity. It's a simple yet transformative EFT and Law of Attraction exercise. By listing your cherished clients and expressing gratitude through tapping, you're not just acknowledging their business but also forging a deeper spiritual bond.

As you tap on your crown chakra and other energy points, visualize each client and utter the sacred affirmation, "Thank you." This act of gratitude not only strengthens your connection with your clientele but also amplifies the Law of Attraction, drawing more abundance into your life.

If you're seeking a transformative experience, join me in this ritual. Together, we'll tap into the universe's boundless prosperity, one client at a time.

7.) EFT Protective Shield of Golden Light: A Spiritual Sanctuary for Your Well-being

In the journey of life, we sometimes find ourselves entangled in situations or relationships that drain our energy and peace. If you feel ensnared in a work environment or business relationship that feels oppressive or harmful, it's essential to prioritize your well-being.

Turn to the "EFT Protective Shield of Golden Light mbffak" meditation video. This spiritual tool is designed to envelop you in a radiant aura of protection, grounding you in love and light. By engaging with this meditation thrice daily, you fortify your spirit, creating a barrier against negativity.

However, while spiritual practices provide strength and clarity, it's crucial to evaluate your circumstances. If your intuition and emotions signal danger, consider the possibility of transitioning away from the situation. Dedicate 30 days to the "EFT Protective Shield of Golden Light mbffak" meditation, and let it guide you towards a path of peace and empowerment.

EFT Protective Shield of Golden Light mbffak

Click Here to RSVP your 60 Minute/$60.00 EFT & LoA Success-Builder Motivational Coaching Session

8.) EFT Abundance Tap: A Journey to Universal Prosperity

Embark on a transformative journey towards holistic success, prosperity, and abundance with the "EFT Abundance Tap mbffak" meditation video. This spiritual practice is meticulously crafted to align your energies with the universe's abundant frequencies, opening doors to opportunities and blessings.

By immersing yourself in this meditation daily, you not only attract material success but also enrich your soul, fostering inner peace and spiritual growth. The universe resonates with intention; let the "EFT Abundance Tap mbffak" be your guide in manifesting your desires.

Commit to this spiritual voyage for 30 days, and witness the profound shift in your life's landscape, as you become a magnet for success, prosperity, and abundance in its purest form.

EFT Abundance Tap mbffak

EFT Abundance Meditation: Aligning with Cosmic Prosperity

Embark on a sacred journey of aligning with the universe's infinite abundance through the "EFT Abundance Tap mbffak" meditation. This practice is designed to attune your spirit to the boundless prosperity the cosmos offers.

As you gently tap and affirm, you're not just seeking material wealth but also invoking a deeper connection to love, joy, health, creativity, and harmonious relationships. By acknowledging the abundance you've received and setting intentions for greater cosmic blessings, you're forging a deeper bond with the universe.

This meditation is a testament to the power of intention and the universe's response to genuine desire. As you breathe deeply, releasing and absorbing, you're not just attracting prosperity but also cultivating inner peace and spiritual growth.

Join us in this transformative session, and let's co-create a life of abundance, love, and spiritual fulfillment. Namaste and blessings to all.

9.) EFT Meditation: Embracing Change & Releasing Procrastination

Dive deep into a transformative journey with our "EFT for Procrastination & Resistance to Change" meditation. This daily practice, designed for a span of 30 days, is a bridge to your inner self, helping you confront and release the mental barriers that hold you back.

Procrastination isn't just a delay in action but a reflection of deeper, internal resistances. Similarly, resistance to change often stems from fear and past experiences. Through this EFT meditation, you'll not only address the surface-level hesitations but also touch the spiritual and psychological roots of these resistances.

By committing to this practice, you're not just seeking to act but to understand, heal, and grow. As days progress, watch yourself evolve, becoming more receptive to life's flow and opportunities.

Join us in this soulful journey, and let's together transcend procrastination and embrace the beauty of change. Namaste.

EFT for Procrastination & Resistance to Change

EFT Meditation: Embracing Evolution & Releasing Stagnation

Embark on a transformative journey with our "EFT for Procrastination & Resistance to Change" meditation. This practice is a bridge to your inner self, helping you confront and release the mental barriers that hinder your growth.

Resistance to change and procrastination are not mere delays in action but reflections of deeper internal struggles. They often stem from our subconscious fears and past traumas. Through this EFT meditation, you'll address not just the surface-level hesitations but also the spiritual and psychological roots of these resistances.

By committing to this practice, you're not merely seeking to act but to understand, heal, and grow. As days progress, watch yourself evolve, becoming more attuned to life's flow and opportunities.

Join us in this soulful journey, and let's together transcend stagnation, embracing the beauty of evolution and growth. Namaste.

10.) EFT Guided Meditation: Healing Financial Traumas

Dive deep into a transformative experience with our "EFT Movie Technique for Money Trauma" guided meditation. This practice is designed to be a sanctuary for your soul, aiding you in confronting and healing the financial wounds that linger in your psyche.

Money traumas are not just about financial losses or hardships; they are deeply rooted in our spiritual and emotional experiences. These traumas can shape our beliefs, behaviors, and relationships with abundance. Through this EFT meditation, you'll journey into the depths of your soul, addressing the core of these traumas and seeking healing from within.

By dedicating yourself to this practice, you're not just aiming to heal financially but to find spiritual liberation and psychological peace. As you progress through the 30 days, witness a profound transformation in your relationship with abundance and self-worth.

Embark on this sacred journey towards financial healing and spiritual abundance. Namaste.

EFT Movie Technique for Money Trauma

EFT Guided Meditation: Transcending Financial Memories

Embark on a transformative journey with our "EFT Movie Technique for Money Trauma" meditation. This practice is not merely about tapping; it's about delving deep into the recesses of your psyche to confront and heal financial memories that may have left scars.

Financial traumas are not just about monetary losses. They are deeply intertwined with our spiritual journey and emotional well-being. Such traumas can shape our beliefs, behaviors, and our relationship with abundance and prosperity.

Through this guided EFT meditation, you'll navigate the corridors of your mind, addressing these memories and seeking healing from a place of deep introspection. As you progress, you'll be gently guided to release these memories, allowing your spirit to find freedom from past burdens.

By dedicating yourself to this practice, you're not just aiming to heal financially but to find spiritual liberation and psychological peace. This is a journey towards financial healing, spiritual growth, and inner harmony. Namaste.

11.) Schedule regular Psychic/Healing/Coaching sessions with me. Stay in touch! Let me know how things are working out for you! I care about you! I want you to be happy & successful!

Click Here to RSVP your 60 Minute/$60.00 EFT & LoA Success-Builder Motivational Coaching Session

EFT & LOA Morning Meditations: A Journey Towards Prosperity and Enlightenment

Dive deep into a curated collection of "Breakfast Club" Workshops, where the ancient wisdom of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) meets the transformative power of the Law of Attraction (LOA). These sessions, which I had the privilege to guide on Zoom, were not just workshops but spiritual gatherings, drawing souls from across the globe.

Each session was a sacred space, a confluence of diverse energies, all seeking prosperity, abundance, and success. But beyond material aspirations, these workshops were a journey inward, towards understanding one's true potential and the universe's abundant offerings.

As you explore these sessions, may you find not just techniques for prosperity, but pathways to spiritual growth, self-awareness, and a deeper connection with the universal flow of abundance. Let this be your guide to a harmonious blend of mind, spirit, and manifestation. Namaste.

Click Here to RSVP your 60 Minute/$60.00 EFT & LoA Success-Builder Motivational Coaching Session

EFT & LoA Breakfast Club Prosperity & Abundance Tune Up 12-09-17

EFT & LoA Breakfast Club Prosperity & Abundance Tune Up 12-09-17

EFT & LoA Breakfast Club Prosperity & Abundance Tune Up 12-06-17

EFT & LoA Breakfast Club Prosperity & Abundance Tune Up 12-06-17

EFT & LoA Breakfast Club Prosperity & Abundance Tune Up 12/04/17

EFT & LoA Breakfast Club Prosperity & Abundance Tune Up 12/04/17

EFT & LoA Morning Breakfast Club Prosperity & Abundance Tune Up 12/01/17

EFT & LoA Morning Breakfast Club Prosperity & Abundance Tune Up 12/01/17

EFT & LoA Morning Prosperity & Abundance Tune Up 11-30-17

EFT & LoA Morning Prosperity & Abundance Tune Up 11-30-17

Click Here to RSVP your 60 Minute/$60.00 EFT & LoA Success-Builder Motivational Coaching Session