Come join our Free EFT (Emotional freedom Techniques) Online Workshop For Fear, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, SAD, PTSD, TBI, BPD, Insomnia, Sleep Deprivation, Sleeping Disorders, and other serious Emotional Issues & Challenges.
If you wish to call in via telephone:
Call into Tele-Workshop at 10:00pm EST!
The Tele-Workshop number: +1(201)479-4595
The Tele-Workshop Conference Number PIN: 22523235#
If you wish to access the Workshop via the InterNet
Click the link (@ 10:00pm EST) to Join Online Meeting:
(If there's any problem getting on the call, call me directly @ 845-706-2183.)
Suffering from S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder), Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, & TBI? STILL can't get to sleep? Insomnia? Sleep Deprivation? Join us for our Free Weekly Thurs. night "EFT On-Line-Workshop For Anxiety, Depression, SAD, PTSD, TBI, BPD, Insomnia, Sleep Deprivation, Sleeping Disorders, and other serious Emotional Issues & Challenges." @ 10:00pm EST.
EFT (Emotional freedom Techniques) can quickly, safely, & effectively heal and resolve, SAD, PTSD, TBI Depression, SAD, PTSD, TBI, BPD, Insomnia, Sleep Deprivation, Sleeping Disorders, and other serious Emotional Issues & Challenges.
We will also have you snoozing away and dreaming for a full night of blissful, restful, sleep.
We will be using the "classic" TFT, & EFT meridian tapping techniques as originally developed by Roger Callahan & Gary Craig in the 1980s & 1990s, and otherderivative add-on techniques developed by Gary Craig's former students - Pat Carrington, Larry Nims, Grant Connelly, Brad Yates, Carol Look, & Robert Smith, etc....
Your ONLY expense will be your either your Internet Service Charges, or your long distance telephone rate to the tele-conference hub. If you have a good long distance plan or unlimited long distance or Skype, Voda-Phone, Magic Jack, or Inter Net Phone, etc.. then the call is literally for free. Considering the cost in time and money for commuting to and from a "face to face" workshop, online & tele-conference workshops are becoming more and more popular.
(Please click the link below for more information.)
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